Authors who wish to participate in the conference by giving a presentation, whether in person or online, should submit an abstract. If your abstract is accepted, you will receive an email from the conference secretariat containing details about how to submit your full paper and complete the registration process.

We invite proposals for paper presentations, posters/exhibits, virtual lightning talks, virtual posters, or colloquia addressing one of the following themes. Papers may address, but are not restricted to, the main theme from any of the following sub-themes. Unlisted but related sub-topics are also acceptable.

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Track & Topics

Language Evolution and Change | Historical Linguistics | Diachronic Analysis of Languages | Linguistic Archaeology | Literary Traditions | World Literature | Comparative Literature | Classic and Contemporary Literary Studies | Cultural Diversity | Cultural Anthropology | Ethnography | Cultural Studies | Translation Studies | Theory and Practice of Translation | Cultural Implications of Translation | Multilingualism and Translation | Cross-Cultural Communication | Intercultural Communication | Language and Globalization | Cross-Cultural Competence | Digital Humanities in Language and Literature | Digital Text Analysis | Computational Linguistics | Digital Approaches to Literary Studies | Language and Power | Sociolinguistics | Political Discourse Analysis | Critical Language Studies | Postcolonial Studies | Decolonizing Literature and Language | Postcolonial Perspectives in Cultural Studies | Indigenous Language Revitalization | Genre Studies | Genre Theory | Genre Analysis in Literature | Cross-Genre Exploration | Language and Identity | Language and Gender | Language and Ethnicity | Linguistic Landscape and Identity | Cultural Heritage Preservation | Documenting Endangered Languages | Cultural Heritage Conservation | Oral History and Cultural Memory | Experimental Linguistics and Literature | Linguistic Experiments | Experimental Literature | Avant-Garde Language and Art | Literary and Cultural Theory | Postmodernism | Structuralism and Deconstruction | Feminist Literary and Cultural Criticism | Language Teaching and Learning | Second Language Acquisition | Language Pedagogy | Technology in Language Education | Popular Culture | Pop Literature and Linguistics | Cultural Impact of Pop Media | Fan Cultures and Fandom | Environmental Humanities | Ecocriticism | Language and Nature | Cultural Responses to Climate Change | Globalization and Localization | Globalization and its Impact on Languages | Localization in Literature and Media | Transnational Cultural Flows.